How to Stop Losing Things
Here’s a simple strategy I’ve been using for decades. It’s visual.
Dramatic. And reduces the number of times I wail, ‘Where is it? I had it in my hand a minute ago!’
Here’s a simple strategy I’ve been using for decades. It’s visual.
Dramatic. And reduces the number of times I wail, ‘Where is it? I had it in my hand a minute ago!’
One common challenge our Patrons (share about in the chat rooms can be captured in the frustrated wail, ‘Where is
Nervous about public speaking? Do you suffer from stage fright? Terrified at the thought of addressing a large crowd, a
Why Fidgeting Helps Is this you? Tapping your fingers. Bouncing a leg. Fiddling with a pencil, pen, keys, rings, bracelets,
Meet Your Vagus Nerve Hello I’m Rick Green and I want to know how to lower my anxiety and quickly